Hello everyone, 

As we’re sure you’re aware, these past few weeks have been some of the most challenging times we, as a company, have ever had to endure. 

We regret to inform you that, at this time, due to the damaging speech and false allegations inflicted on our brand, we’ve lost any and all financial ability to issue any direct refunds and/or cancellations, effective 12/17/2023. 

This is due to the fact that, each and every pre-order and the items contained within, have been purchased from the manufacturer and are in the fulfillment process. 

The funds contained within the manufacturer’s account(s), at this time, are non-revocable.

We’ve always taken pride in our ability to satisfy our customers and their demands. 

Furthermore, we have and have had every intention of fulfilling each and every order we can, to the best of our ability. 

We take full responsibility for any and all delays and sympathize with anyone’s apprehension about doing business with us; Having witnessed such defamation. 

Should you decide to keep your remaining order(s) with us, we guarantee, delayed or not, that you will be receiving your orders, in full, with no exceptions; As has been our intention since our inception. 

If there is any accommodation we could offer, be it size/style change, shipping update, etc…we are happy to assist. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. 

Warmest regards,

Showstoppers Team.